Thursday, February 9, 2012

How do i stop thinking about disney world?

I went on a vacation in sept, and i cant stop thinking about it, maybe because the seniors at my school are in disney world right now, Can something get it off my mind?How do i stop thinking about disney world?
The best way I have found to stop thinking of Disney World is by going to Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. Seventeen different roller coasters, (eighteen if you count tracks). Oh my gosh... the best coaster park in the world!! ... Oh great... now I can't stop thinking about Cedar Point! ... Thanks a lot dude!!
Go back and it won't be as good!

Works with ex partners!How do i stop thinking about disney world?
go to, go to random, and tell every one you like disney. the **** storm will ensue
I have the same problem dude, i went to holiday world in santa clause, indiana i found it helps to find a hobby that keeps you from wanting to go back. i went two years ago and still think about it alot. But i also remorse on past time's so. Just find a hobby or find a sport that is just as extreme as roller coaster's (such as sky diving) and you'll be set. I bet if you sky dive that will be the most exicting thing ever believe me i did it.How do i stop thinking about disney world?
"Colorless green ideas sleep furiously"

- Noam Chomsky.

Isn't that a great saying? I believe it's designed to illustrate the importance of syntax or grammar in spoken language. As you can see (or read) it has acceptable syntax but pretty much makes no sense! There's no meaning.


If that doesn't take your fancy check out the McGurk Effect on youtube!

Basically you're senses (visual and auditory) work together to provide a "complete/rounded" pereception of speech. However the actual individual senses are receiving quite different information but when combined create a whole new experience.

(Bet you weren't thinking about you-know-what now were you!)
think about universal studios.
You can't! I live my life like this! I love Disney so much and I think about it constantly. To try to get it to not be so bad, I plan trips to Disney(fake ones) and watch youtube videos about Disney. It helps but nothing helps like going back! Or working there like I will be in August!
I have the same problem, but I've never been there and I'm going in July... CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!!! i"M SO EXCITED!!

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